Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The highlight of the day was coming home to fresh cut spider mums in full bloom.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Get Fresh Friday

A work in progress to start the weekend on a fresh note.

I'm An Artist, And I'm Sensitive About My Ish . . .

Six years of college, four of them in art school, one year of cosmetology school and one year of freelance, what does that equal . . . I still don't know. What I do know is that I'm an artist, and I must find some way to bring all of my gifts together and share them with others. I blog about life, love, art, place, and how they all intersect because I've never figured out how to dissect life. UrbanScale Fete is who I am, a city girl in search of a party with eclectic culture, diva makeup, and rare cocktails. It is the aesthetic of the creative who isn't satisfied until she finds the perfect violet satin heels to match her magenta ruffled blouse. So welcome and enjoy the eye candy.